The EB unit was also present in Mega Man 6 on NES, but the player had to get it by himself. This game also marks the appearance of Energy Balancer (EB), in other words, the energy balancer. This concept will be resumed later in Mega Man 7, Mega Man 8 and Mega Man and Bass.

Mega Man IV has several innovations in terms of playability, the most important of which is the appearance of the "shop of the professor Light" By pressing Select in the level selection screen, the player can buy objects and improvements using P-Chips. Indeed, the game has various cinematics, be it short animated sequences before a major event or discussion scenes between Mega Man and its creator, the teacher Light. Despite his rather simple scenario, Mega Man IV constitutes, at the narrative level, considerable progress over its predecessors Game Boy and even the games of the series Mega Man on NES.